FORGETDIABETES proposes a radically new therapeutic paradigm resulting from the multidisciplinary combination of innovative technologies (algorithm, miniaturized hardware, smart sensors, experimental surgery). The resulting paradigm has the potential to revolutionize diabetes treatment and to stimulate the emergence of an EU innovation ecosystem.

FORGETDIABETES will provide a radically new approach for the treatment of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) by developing a fully-implantable, fully-automated, physiological, immuno-optimized, personalized Bionic Invisible Pancreas (BIP) allowing to achieve optimal glucose control without intervention of the patient. The project innovation will enable T1D patients to forget their disease.
The core idea of this project is to create a bionic invisible pancreas (BIP), a radically new device, uniquely capable to exploit physiological glucose sensing and hormones delivery route. The BIP will enable intraperitoneal insulin delivery for optimal glycaemic control. Leveraging this, BIP will restore glucose regulation in subjects with diabetes as in healthy individuals.
Pump refilling through a weekly oral recyclable drug pill will free T1D subjects from the burden of pain and awkward daily measurement and treatment actions. Wireless power transfer and data transmission to cloud-based data management system round-up to a revolutionary treatment device for this incurable chronic disease. key feature of BIP is to be fully-implantable and life-long lasting thanks to novel biocompatible and immune-optimized coatings guaranteeing long-term safety and stability.
More info @
University of Padova, Italy
The Biorobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy
Pfuzner Science & Health Institute, Germany
Centre Hospedalier Universitaire de Motpellier, France
Forschungsinstitut der Diabetes-Akademie Bad Mergentheim, Germany
Lifecare AS, Germany
Wavecomm srl, Italy