About Us

The Regenerative Technologies Lab
The Regenerative Technologies Lab welcomes researchers from different backgrounds (biomedical engineers, mechanical engineers, biologists, biotechnologists, materials scientists, computer engineers, etc.) with the aim to carry out ambitious research efforts at the boundaries of these disciplines.
The research projects in which the group is involved concern different aspects of bioengineering and tackle different challenges, from biomaterials and nanomaterials for skeletal muscle tissue engineering and cartilage regeneration, biophysical stimulation tools (e.g., ultrasound) for promoting tissue healing and control drug delivery, implantable artificial organs, biohybrid devices, up to innovative diagnostic tools based on liquid biopsies and artificial intelligence.
The Lab has the long-term goal of dramatically improving patients’ quality of life, through frontier science and inventions. To achieve this goal, the Lab pursues high-level research papers, but it also pursues technology transfer, by filing patents and creatiing spin-off companies. Finally, education is an intrinsic mission of the group, implemented through the participation of students and internees in interdisciplinary and international research projects.

The Regenerative Technologies Lab is part of the BioRobotics Institute, which is one of the different Institutes of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, a young, dynamic and research-oriented University.
The Biorobotics Institute
The BioRobotics Institute is an integrated system pursuing frontier research, advanced education and innovation in the fields of biorobotics and bionics. While offering postgraduate teaching (MSc) and research (PhD) programs, we explore the possibility to reach an inexhaustible springboard for the creation of useful applications. This is achieved through bioengineering, mechatronics and robotics as well as smart systems inspired by the living world. In brief, we use robotics to mimic life and unveil its principles, to rehab, assist and treat human beings, to educate and change the society.
Find more at https://www.santannapisa.it/en/institute/biorobotics/biorobotics-institute
The Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies is a public university institute – with special autonomy – working in the field of applied sciences: Economics and Management, Law, Political Sciences, Agricultural Sciences and Plant Biotechnology, Medicine, and Industrial and Information Engineering.
The School promotes the internationalization of didactics and research with innovative paths in the fields of university education, scientific research and advanced training.
The School’s mission is that of serving as a benchmark and quality public institution, attracting talents which are nurtured and educated, in order to take care of the world and to responsibly contribute to its cultural growth and sustainability. We are conscious that merit based on quality skills and commitment represents the true driver of development, the principal mechanism of social mobility, and the resource that we must implement in order to address the challenges of sustainability and justice that the world is currently facing.
Find more at https://www.santannapisa.it/en